Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Programs at the Library

Halloween Trick-or-Treat Storytimes:  for ages 2 to 6, accompanied
by parent or caregiver.  Meets on: 
Tuesday, October 30th, at 10:30 AM and on
Wednesday, October 31st, at 10:30 AM (choose one session).

Join Children's Librarian Mrs. B for Halloween stories (not too scary!),
a quick craft, and then a Halloween parade and trick-or-treating in
the Library.  To sign up, call 871-3620 or contact Mrs. B at:

Spooky Tales Storytime, suggested for ages 5 and up, on:
Thursday, October 25th, 6:30 - 7:00 PM.  No sign up required.
Families planning on Trick or Treating in the Town Hall offices are
invited to stop by the library for this half-hour storytime.