Monday, February 09, 2015

Take Your Child To The Library Day

A great time was had by all at Tolland Public Library's 4th annual Take Your Child To The Library Day which was held on Saturday, February 7th.   Hardy library goers who braved the snow throughly enjoyed these events:

Nick Cutroneo, of the Nick Cutroneo Guitar Studio, who brought us a little Guitar Music Magic. Here's Nick addressing his audience:

Author Barbara Meredith, who read aloud her new anti-bullying book, Rocky's New Friend.  Here's Barbara with her youngest admirer:

R.E.A.D. therapy dogs Dolly and Vinny, shown resting between readers:

These library events were free - as are all programs at Tolland Public Library!

Storytimes in February

Winter Storytimes continue in February: 14th: 

      Preschool Storytime for ages 3 to 5  Wednesdays at 10:15 AM 
      Afternoon Storytime for ages 2 to 5 Thursdays at 1:30 PM 
      Mother Goose Rhyme Time for babies 6 to 23 months old   
Wednesdays at 11:15 - 11:45 

PJ Storytimes:  for families with children ages 2 to 8; held on Thursday
February 26th at 6:30 – 7 p.m.  Children are invited to come in PJs and to 
bring a favorite stuffed animal.  No sign up required

Library/FRC Playgroup:  for families with preschoolers ages 2 to 5  
meets on Tuesdays, 10:15 – 11:15 starting Feb. 3rd.  
For more information or to sign up, contact Mrs. B at the library (860-871-3620)
or Laurel at the FRC (860-870-6750, ext. 215).

Children’s programs at Tolland Public Library are free and open to out-of-town
residents. For more information or to sign up, call 860-871-3620.