Take Your Child to the Library Day
The library’s annual Take Your Child to The Library Day will be held on:
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018. Stop by to play a game, do a puzzle, read aloud, make a bookmark – and of course, take out lots of books!
Events include: a Valentine's preschool storytime presented by Tolland Girl Scouts, troop 61199, at 10:30 a.m. in the Storytelling Room (101); Family Game Time with the Usher family in the library program room from 10 a.m - noon; and a family movie, Disney's Moana, which will be shown at 1 p.m. in the main program room. The movie is 107 minutes long and is rated PG.
To sign up for the storytime or movie, call the library at 860-871-3620.